Lurie Garden has garnered the following recognitions and awards for its bold design, dramatic form and intimate spaces.
More to the Garden than Meets the Eye
- 2017 Best Continued Use Award by Friends of Downtown
- Certified Wildlife Habitat by the National Wildlife Federation
- Certified Butterfly Garden by North American Butterfly Association
- CertifiedĀ as a Certified Butterfly Garden by the North American Butterfly Association
- Certified Monarch Waystation by Monarch Watch
- Illinois Landscape Contractors Association Gold Award for Excellence, 2009
- Award of Excellence in General Design, American Society of Landscape Architects, Oct. 6, 2008
- Institute Honor Awards for Regional & Urban Design, American Institute of Architects, 2006
- Best Public Space Award, Travel & Leisure magazine, 2005
- Intensive Industrial Award, Green Roofs for Healthy Cities, 2005
- Award of Honor, WASLA Professional Awards, 2005