Lenten rose
Helleborus orientalis (Lenten rose) brings much to the early spring garden as well as considerable adaptability to the perennial garden.
This member of the Ranunculaceae is native to northeastern Greece and northern/northeastern Turkey, where it grows in rich, humusy soils in forest edges and tree meadows.
Helleborus orientalis grows up to 1.5 ft. tall with a spread of 1.5-2 ft. Plants will form clumps of palmate, serrate, basal, glossy dark green leaves that are up to 16 in. wide each.
Plants grow well in USDA Zones 4-9, and leaves can be semi- or completely wintergreen in warmer climates or protected areas in colder climates. The Lenten rose produces large, cup-shaped nodding flowers that can be up to 4-4.5 in. diameter.
Plants flower in late winter to early spring, bringing early-season flowers to the garden. Plants are shade tolerant, a great characteristic for naturalizing in woodland edge gardens. Plants are also frost-resistant with evergreen leaves, creating year-round interest in the garden.
Numerous H. orientalis selections and hybrids have been created that offer a significant variety of flower color and bloom time. Plants are tolerant of deer, rocky soils, and air pollution as well.
In addition to wonderful aesthetic characteristics, H. orientalis brings terrific stories to the garden. The species was originally described by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, whose theory of evolution including the idea of inheritance of acquired characteristics was predominant before Darwin. While this theory has largely been supplanted, his research and writings offered one of the first widespread frameworks for evolution through natural processes, opening the door for our modern understanding.
The species also played an important role in ancient Greek mythology and, even, warfare. At the Siege of Kirrha (585 BC), the attacking Greeks used a preparation containing H. orientalis as a chemical warfare agent to poison the city’s water supply.
Botanical Name | Helleborus orientalis |
Common Name | Lenten rose |
Family | Ranunculaceae |
USDA Zone | 4 thru 9 |
Light Requirement | Part Shade to Full Shade |
Season(s) of interest | all seasons |
Height and Spread | 1-1.5ft x 1-1.5ft (30-45cm x 30-45cm) |
Flower Color | Yellow, White, Pink, or Dark Red |
Attracts Wildlife | Rarely Browsed by Mammalian Herbivores |
Additional Information | Not Native to the US Midwest. Native range: northeastern Greece, northern and northeastern Turkey, Caucasian Russia |
Location in Lurie Garden | North Dark Plate, Southwest Dark Plate, East Dark Plate |
Average Flowering Time